When Do Succulents Bloom?

Many people own succulents, but most do not know that certain succulents will bloom in the right conditions and season with proper care.

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Many people own succulents, but most do not know that certain succulents will bloom in the right conditions and season with proper care.

Succulents often bloom during the late spring or summer when they experience the most growth. Succulents are usually very slow-growing plants that are known for their lush, fleshy stems and leaves. While many people do not imagine succulents as blooming plants, particular types of healthy succulents will indeed bloom.

For a succulent to bloom, it needs to have the right conditions, be healthy and robust, and be the correct type of succulent. Below, you will find all the information you need first to identify if your succulent is capable of blooming. If it is a blooming succulent, you will need to know how to properly care for it to make sure it is healthy enough to bloom. If you have a blooming succulent that is well cared for, the final step is to wait for the right season to help you identify.

After years of trial and error with succulents and even more years of not even realizing that my succulents could bloom, I am excited to help you have beautiful blooms this year with your succulents. I have finally found the pattern of success, and below is that pattern and all of the corresponding research that is the most helpful in finding out when your succulents will bloom.

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Will my succulent bloom?

Many succulents are known for their tender green flesh and perhaps a few varying shades of purples or yellows. But, some succulents are blooming succulents. This means that during the correct times of the year, combined with the right growing conditions, your succulents will bloom flowers. Succulent flowers come in a rainbow of colors. From pink and red to soft white and purple, if you have a blooming succulent, be ready for a beautiful array of colors. What succulents bloom, you may ask? Below is a list of a few of the most popular types of succulents that bloom.

Crassula Pellucida ‘Calico Kitten’

Calico Kitten Crassula is a small succulent species known for its green, rose, and white variegated foliage. This succulent is a trailing plant that will produce long, crawling vines and grow best in hanging pots or very tall planters where the plant can trail down. Calico Kitten will bloom white flowers in the right conditions. It likes warm, sunny weather and dry soil in order to bloom.

Echeveria Elegans ‘Mexican Snowball’

There are many types of blooming Echeveria Succulents. They are a species of popular succulents that are easy to take care of. They come in varying shades of green and dusty purple. An Echeveria Elegans is a light green rosette and can grow as wide as a large dinner plate and 8 inches tall. These succulents put out 1-foot tall reddish shoots that produce pink and yellow flowers. This particular succulent requires high light in order to make flowers.

Painted Lady Echeveria

The Painted Lady is another type of Echeveria. While it looks very similar to its cousin, the Echeveria Elegans, these succulents come in a silvery blue or green color and like to cluster. Clustering means that this succulent likes to produce pups or baby succulents. These succulents live closely together and will all bloom at the same time. When the Painted lady blooms, it produces short, orange, and pink flowers with red tips. It also needs high light in order to make a seasonal bloom.

Donkey Tail

The Donkey Tail is another exceptionally popular succulent. You can find this succulent at nearly every plant store, and many people already have them hanging somewhere in their house. While it is a highly popular plant, many people don’t know that this is a blooming succulent. A Donkey tail is a thick trailing succulent that enjoys high light and needs to be planted in a hanging basket or elevated planter. This succulent also is very easy to propagate and requires minimal maintenance. In the correct season, a Donkey Tail will produce tiny green offshoots at the ends of the trailing foliage. These green offshoots will support the vibrant red or purple flowers. Your Donkey Tail will produce more than one set of vibrant red or purple flowers if you are lucky.

How do I care for a blooming succulent?

So many people own blooming succulents without knowing it because they have never seen their succulent bloom. In order to bloom, the succulents above, and all types of blooming succulents, need certain conditions to thrive.


Water is critical to whether or not your succulent will be able to bloom. Succulents do not like to be overwatered and will get root rot very quickly. This means that you need to be aware of your succulent watering requirements; Most succulents can go 2-4 weeks between each watering. There is an easy trick to tell when any plant is ready for more water; you just need to test the soil.

If your succulent’s soil is dry all the way through, this means that it is time to water your succulent again, and you may need to increase your watering. If your soil is dry on top and just barely damp through the bottom of the container, it is time for watering, and you can probably go a similar amount of time before your next watering. If your succulent’s soil is damp on top and wet all the way through the container, your succulent does not need any water. It would be best if you waited until your succulent’s soil is dry. In order to bloom, you cannot overwater your succulents because their roots will sit in water and rot, which will not stimulate new growth.


The soil you plant your succulent in is also essential to its ability to produce a bloom. If your soil is compact and heavy, water will not be able to drain out. This means that the water will be trapped in the container and will harm the roots of your succulent. Succulents enjoy lots of drainage. To achieve this, it may be necessary to put rocks or perlite in the bottom of your container before adding your soil. It is also helpful to add moss to your soil. Rocks, perlite, and moss all add drainage to your soil which will help your plant not hold on to water. This will stimulate growth which will turn into a bloom.


Light is vital to succulents. Succulents are native to deserts and other hot and dry climates. Deserts also tend to be very high light environments, which means that your succulents are getting many sunlight each day. As a typical rule of thumb, your succulent likely needs at least 6 hours of direct sun every day. Without enough sunlight, your plant will not put out new growth and will not bloom.

What time of year do succulents bloom?

Succulents bloom in the late Spring and Summer. This is the best time to see your succulents bloom because the added sun and warming weather will stimulate new growth for your succulents. Just as your other plants may be putting out fresh leaves or growing taller, your succulent is also putting out new growth. While you may not see extra foliage or your succulent getting bigger during this time, your succulent will likely bloom under the right conditions. The right conditions mean that your succulent needs also have adequate water, the correct soil, and enough light.

If you live in a cold environment or somewhere without sun, you may have to wait until late summer to see your succulent bloom. This is because your succulent will be unable to get enough sunlight to stimulate new growth until later in the season. If you live in an environment more similar to a succulent's native area, your succulent will probably bloom closer to the late spring or early summer.

What do I do if my blooming succulent does not produce flowers?

If you have a blooming succulent but have not seen it produce flowers yet, it may be time to change some things in its environment. Consider moving it closer to a window where it can get more sunlight. If it is outside, make sure it is in an area where it can get at least 6 hours of sunlight every day. Changing your watering schedule or repotting your succulent to better soil might also stimulate the growth needed to get your succulent to bloom. If you live in a cold or cloudy area, consider using grow lights to help your succulent along. By changing just a few things about your succulent's environment, you could see your succulent bloom for the first time.

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