What To Wear When Fishing

One thing that those who’ve gone fishing before will agree on is what you wear when fishing can significantly affect your experience and influence your catch.

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Going Fishing? Here’s How to Dress In Any Weather

When it comes to popular outdoor activities, fishing is by far unrivaled. Each year, millions choose to spend their time fishing. While the reasons vary, the activity has only become more popular with time.

For some, going fishing is just that – trying to get the biggest catch. For others, it is simply about experiencing nature, the outdoors and all its majesty.

Regardless of the reason, one thing that those who’ve gone fishing before will agree on is your dressing can significantly affect your experience and influence your catch.

That’s right, the success of your fishing trip could hinge on what you’re wearing. Now, you may have tried fishing before, and had the wrong outfit, and you’re looking for what to wear when fishing. Perhaps this is your first expedition, and you’re wondering about the clothes to wear when fishing.

This article will not only act as a guide to the best fishing apparel, but it’ll also dive deep into what should be worn, when, and how.

See, you may have already asked yourself, what should I wear when fishing?’ And you may have come up with a rough idea for your next fishing trip. Unfortunately, what most people fail to take into account is the weather.

Dressing for a warm fishing season is very different from dressing for a cold fishing season. This article will guide you through both scenarios and offer feasible advice that will help you make the most of your next fishing trip.

Let’s start by looking at how to dress for the hot weather.

How to dress when fishing in warm weather

1. Sunscreen

Continued exposure to the sun and heat will result in nasty sunburns. To protect yourself, ensure you have your sunscreen with you, regardless of the clothes you have on. Apply the sunscreen to all parts of the skin exposed to the sun. Additionally, ensure you reapply the sunscreen after every one and a half to two hours.

2. Polarized sunglasses

While it seems like an odd item high up on the list, a good pair of sunglasses are amongst the essential items you’ll need. Many novice fishers make the mistake of carrying any sunglasses to go fishing.

Why do you need polarized sunglasses? Well, there are mainly a couple of factors to consider. The first thing is the rays bouncing off the surface of the water. You see, water is highly refractive, and when the sun is shining, the rays will be bounce off the water and into your line of sight. What this signifies is you won’t be able to see through the water. With polarized glasses, you’ll significantly improve your eyesight, increasing your chances of catching fish.

The second reason you need proper sunglasses is to protect your eyes. Again, with the sunshine comes UV rays. When you’re out for long –which you likely will be, the UV rays can be harmful to your eyes. Polarized glasses help protect your eyes from these damaging rays.

The best sunglasses should ideally have a UV400 rating as they are effective against both UVA rays and UVB rays.

3. Hat

Like the sunscreen, the right hat will protect you from the sun. In bright sunshine, a hat will help you see more clearly. Since you’ll be out in the open, it is advised you get a hat that will cover your neck to protect it against the sunburn. Some of the recommended hats include a baseball hat that has a neck cover, or a wide-brimmed sun hat.

4. Shoes

Shoes are another critical aspect of dressing when you go fishing. The wrong shoe will have you regretting the experience in a matter of minutes. A good fishing shoe should have a sturdy sole. Since you’ll be around the wet and slippery ground, you don’t want a shoe that causes you to lose your footing.

From the above, a top example of a fishing shoe is the water sandal. Not only is the shoe’s sole secure, but the shoe is also recommended for its freeness and coolness, as compared to enclosed shoes.

On the flip side, there is an argument to be made for enclosed shoes. If you’re out in the open, you want a shoe that protects you. Unfortunately, the water sandal –being open, offers little protection.

To get the right shoe, the best advice is first to investigate the fishing grounds. If you feel the area is safe, you can opt for the water sandal. If, however, you’re unsure of the terrain or water, go for the enclosed shoe. Just ensure the shoe is comfortable, keeps your feet cool, and most importantly, waterproof.

5. Shirts

In the warm weather, you should opt for a shirt that dries fast, and is made from lightweight fabric. Additionally, you can go for a long-sleeved shirt to help keep any bugs away and to further protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

6. Shorts

When it gets hot, shorts are your best bet to go fishing. As with the shirt, go for a light material that dries fast. If you are planning to be out for long, you can opt for one of those pants that you can convert into shorts.

How to dress when fishing in cold weather

1. Fishing gloves

It’s cold out there, and you don’t want your hands freezing. If you are planning to go fishing over the cold weather, you’ll need fishing gloves. While the primary goal is to keep you warm, they often come in handy when you are handling slippery fish.

One mistake that most fishers make is to take any ordinary gloves. Before you decide which glove you’ll go fishing with, ensure you can move your fingers, as you’ll still need to operate the reel and handle the hooks and lines.

If you are worried about tying hooks, you can choose to use the fingerless gloves. These gloves offer you some heat and comfort while allowing you to fully move your fingers.

2. Fishing boots

When it comes to footwear and fishing in cold weather, you need to have some high-quality boots. It goes without saying, the boots need to be waterproof, and they should also keep you warm.

When it comes to boots, there’s one common mistake made by both new and seasoned fishermen, and that has to with socks. Most people will layer as many socks they can possibly fit before wearing the boots. While the logic behind this is to try and keep yourself as warm as possible, it can work against you. While buying the fishing boot, you’ll likely go for your exact size; this means you can only fit a pair or two of socks before wearing the boots.

If you have several pairs of socks, you’ll end up in an uncomfortable shoe for the whole time. There are boots specialized in keeping you warm, and while they might be pricier, you will be comfortable while fishing.

Additionally, like in warm weather, remember you need a shoe with a sturdy sole. It is arguably easier to slide on the cold or icy ground than in warm temperatures. Ensure the sole of your shoe is sturdy and strong.

3. Jackets

Not only is the weather cold, if there are any winds around where you’re fishing, but the winds will also have quite the chill as well. When preparing for a cold fishing excursion, you’ll want to go for a waterproof and windproof jacket. Your pants, too, should be made of the same quality and cold-resistant material.

If the weather is chilling, a snowsuit may also be ideal attire. For added padding and warmth, wear long leggings or underwear beneath. If it is not as chilly, however, you can wear an insulated and water-resistant windbreaker jacket.

One key factor to remember is the more still you are, the more susceptible you are to getting cold. Whatever jacket you opt for, ensure you can move around to raise your body temperature.

General clothing tips

In addition to what you should wear when going fishing, here are a few tips that will prove helpful.

  • Pockets: Fishing often requires kits and various tools. To ensure you don’t lose or forget anything, have clothes that contain multiple pockets.
  • Cleanliness: Fishing can sometimes get messy. Go for clothes that don’t stain easily, and if they do stain, can be washed away with ease.
  • Accessories: It is easy to lose some of your accessories such as rings, braces, necklaces, and so on. If you can, leave anything that can easily get lost. If you decide to have them with you, ensure you keep a close watch on these items.
  • Safety: If you’ll be getting into the water, always ensure you have a life jacket on. Some fishermen have overlooked this, only to regret later on.

Fishing is an exciting activity regardless of the season you decide to fish. The key is to always to have an idea of what to expect and then dress accordingly. Once you have all this in place, nothing will stop you from having a memorable fishing experience.

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