How To Tie Hiking Boots - The Top 5 Ways

How to tie hiking boots is a great question to ask. Using the proper ways to tie hiking boots is perhaps one of the easiest ways to ensure an enjoyable hike

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Tying your shoelaces as a kid versus tying your shoelaces when going out for a hike is an entirely different thing. There are many ways you can tie your laces that can help you to have a more comfortable hike, and in today's article, we will talk about different ways you can tie your shoelaces when going on a hike.

One thing to keep in mind would be that there are thousands of ways you can tie your laces based on the size of your foot, and if you have any blisters or bunions. We will talk about the most common ways many hikers tie their shoelaces, giving you a basic outline on how you can tie your laces when you are going on a hike.

Table of Contents

1. The Surgeon's Knot

  1. Make sure you wrap both the laces around each other like you are about to tie them; however, don't pull on the laces tight.
  2. Wrap the laces around again the one more time, then pull on both the laces firmly.
  3. You can make sure the ends of the laces are locked in around the next lace hook to keep on lacing or you can tie it into a standard bow.

What does it do: If you are looking for a not which will stay, then this method is fantastic.

2. Heel lock lacing

  1. Place your boot in a position, where you can put your heal far down on the rear of the boot as possible.
  2. In front of the ankle, find a point where the foot meets your leg and find out where this is going to be on your boot.
  3. Start lacing your boot like you would a regular shoe, then tie them into a surgeon's knot.
  4. Run the laces and lock of the knot on the next hook and then tie another surgeon's knot.
  5. Complete tying, as usual, all the way to the top of the boot.

What does it do: This will lock your heels all the down towards the rear of the boot. It will prevent any foot movement that could happen inside of your boot. This method is ideal for people who get blisters on their heel or their heel get lifted out of the boot. You can also use this method if your toes keep banging at the front of the boots when you walk downhill.

3. Window lacing

  1. Figure out the primary pressure and unite your laces below that point.
  2. Start relacing and go to next hook straight up, (not going straight crossing over)
  3. You can have your laces crossed and keep on lacing up all the way to the top of the boots as usual.

What does it do: It will reduce any pressure you might have at the top of your feet. Ideal for people who have high arches. This lacing technique could also work if notice a lot of pressure or if you are not comfortable.

4. Relaxed Ankle Lacing

  1. Start by lacing your boots regularly
  2. Run those shoelaces of the top loop
  3. Tie it off, as usual, make sure they are lower than the top loop

What does it do: This method provides you with more space and allows you to have more mobility between your boots and your ankles and calves. It is recommended that you use this technique if you have wider calves. You can also use this technique if you have a lot of pressure on the ankle bones, or if your boot rubs at the calf.

5. Foot Lockdown Lacing

  1. Find out the three places where your feet have excess room.
  2. Unlace the lowest point, then add a surgeon's knot at that point. Keep on lacing
  3. Do the surgeon's knot again in a different spot which you feel needs to be more secure

What does it do: This method secures your feet properly into the boots, and all the spaces that you may feel are loose. Use this lacing technique if you have feet that are small, as it works very well on people who have narrow feet. If you have a low-volume foot, it could work as well. If you notice that your toes keep bothering you at the front of the boots whenever you are walking downhill, this technique can be used to fix that issue.

Pick The Right Knot

There are many different ways you can tie your boots when hiking. You must try out all the tying methods that fit your needs and your problems. Make sure that you figure out which knot works best for you and stick with it, in most cases. It isn't very easy to find out which tying method works for you only by trying one way of tying your boots.

There is no right or wrong way of tying your boots when it comes to hiking. You have to find the right way to tie your boots based on your feet. We have covered the most common and widely used methods of tying your boots when going for a hike. This should give you a clear idea of how you should tie your knot.

Final verdict

You should now feel confident going into your hikes as you now know numerous ways of tying your boots. These tying methods should give you enough comfort and stability that you are looking for when you go on your next hiking trip. In most cases, you should be able to find tying methods that fit your needs. If you can't seem to find a sweet spot with your tying, then the chances are that you may have a boot that is not the right for you or you're not wearing the right socks.

Have a look at your shoes and socks before you knock on the tying methods, as most of the time, the problems are associated with the shoe fit. If you have the right shoes and the right socks, then you should have no problem finding out the proper tying methods for your boots. Have fun on your next hiking trip, and we hope you enjoyed learning different ways of tying your boots properly when you go out for a hike.

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