Best Cruising Sailboats

There are so many sailboats out there that choosing the correct one can be tough. Make things easy by reviewing the best cruising sailboats we’ve collected.

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There are so many sailboats out there that choosing the correct one can be tough. Make things easy by reviewing the best cruising sailboats we’ve collected.

A quality cruising sailboat is essential whether you're sailing from one coast of the U.S to the other or planning a trip around the world. However, not all sailboats are built to survive the open water's rough seas and strong winds.

The best cruising sailboats include Prout Snowgoose 37, Andrews 28, Corbin 39, Ranger 26, and Tayana Vancouver 42, among others. They are your ticket to start cruising RIGHT NOW, not when you have retired.

While most cruising sailboats perform admirably when following the coastline, sailing far and out across the horizon is an entirely different beast. There are hundreds of options on the market so it can be difficult to find one that will ensure your convenience and safety on the waters. Fortunately, we assist you in your search by detailing what to look for in a sailing sailboat and the specific boats you should consider purchasing.

You can trust the information provided below because it is based on extensive research on authoritative sites related to cruising sailboats spanning over 5 hours and using results from interviews/surveys of owners of the best cruising sailboats available today.

Table of Contents

‍What Is a Cruising Sailboat?

Sailboats designed for long-distance cruising are known as cruising sailboats. They are significantly larger, sturdier, and more stable. When you think of a normal tiny sailboat, such as a wayfarer, you're looking at a relatively sturdy vessel.

Good quality, ideal for beginners, really safe, and reasonably priced. But that's not going to cut it on the waters for very long. The wayfarer has been used to sail from the U.K to Norway. However, it has also been done in a kayak. Just because you can do not imply you should or would want to do so if given the chance.

A cruising boat is designed to be livable for extended periods of time between landings. Cruising usually refers to a multi-day excursion. In actuality, it could take a lot longer. One sailor spent over three years in a sailboat built by himself.

This is a hypothetical situation; no one lives on their boat for that long, but it illustrates the potential. To be able to spend a lot of time on a boat, it must be of sufficient size to satisfy all of your needs.

Technically, a sailboat can be classified as a cruising sailboat if it can accommodate you for a few days. Such sailboats can typically travel at speeds of 10 knots. This is required in order to travel from one point of land to another without running out of supplies. This is a pragmatic criterion, not a technical one, for being "categorized" as a cruising sailboat.

What to Consider When Choosing a Cruising Sailboat?

While a sailboat capable of sailing for days without touching land can be classified as a cruising sailboat, it must meet certain requirements to be deemed a good choice.

Not only must your sailboat be able to make the trek, but it must also do so safely. When deciding whether or not a sailboat is ideal for cruising, keep the following factors in mind.


Cruising on a boat that isn't steady isn't a good idea. If you're traveling for several days, you're likely to encounter severe waves and perilous waters. You'll be in trouble if you don't have a boat that can withstand these conditions. The width and hull type are important indicators of stability. If a boat has numerous decks or a very wide body, you can expect it to be highly stable.


The larger the boat, not just for stability but also for comfort, the better. If you're going to be stranded on your yacht for several days, having as much space as possible is a smart idea. In the cabin as well as on the deck.

If you're locked inside for several days due to terrible weather, every extra square foot you have will be a godsend. When it comes to the number of people you can bring on your trip, size counts. They require more than just their sleeping quarters/bunk; they also demand space to move around.


It's important for a cruising sailboat to be strong. A sturdy hull will aid you in surviving even the most difficult situations. Some boats have metal reinforcement in their hulls, whereas others have not. If you have an option, you should go with the former.

The term "strength" refers to the overall construction of the boat, not just the materials used. The sail is far more likely to be lower if the boat does not have a robust mast. Without a mast or sail, a sailboat is far more likely to fall into the sea.


The boat's ability to sail great distances is restricted not only by its strength and sturdiness but also by how much storage it contains. You'll need 7 days' worth of provisions if you plan on sailing for 7 days. You won't be able to make the trip if your boat doesn't have the necessary storage. Simply because a boat is larger does not imply that it has greater storage space.

Which Is The Best Cruising Sailboat Today?

Cruising sailboats are appealing for a variety of reasons, but if you're like the majority of us, you want to be comfortable when on the sea. Based on this criterion and several other factors, we have jotted down the following sailboats as the best cruising sailboats today.

Prout Snowgoose 37

Look no further than the Prout Snowgoose 37 if you're seeking a dependable sailboat. The multiple hulls of this huge catamaran provide enhanced width and stability. It's simple to operate, has good handling, and is rather roomy.

There are larger catamarans available, but none are as capable as this one. It's designed to be sailed over great distances in challenging weather. Its fiberglass shell keeps it light and nimble while keeping it strong.

It's a bit older model, but it'll get the job done. Because it is British-made, finding one in the United States can be difficult. If you do happen to come across one, you should take advantage of the opportunity to buy it.

Andrews 28

The Andrews 28 is spacious and breezy below deck, and it doesn't compromise comfort for speed. This 28-footer, created by Alan Andrews, a Southern California marine architect is known for his light, quick race boats would appeal to the cruiser who appreciates a little club racing as well.

With 6 cabins, a galley, head, and navigation space, you might forget you're on a boat that can be easily towed. The Andrews 28's detachable keel makes it easy to sail and haul, and it's as pleasant as a daysailer as it is a racer.

Corbin 39

The Corbin 39 is a stunning blue sea sailing vessel. It's a one-of-a-kind vessel with a long and illustrious history. Only a few of these boats were completed in the factory; the vast majority were supplied as kits and assembled by the boat's owner.

Because of this technique of production, the interior of this model might vary greatly. The interiors are all works of art and craftsmanship created by the owners. This implies that before acquiring a boat, you should take a thorough look inside.

Because they were marketed as a package, the exterior, particularly the hull, is likely to be identical from boat to boat. This could be the boat for you if you don't mind having to modify the interior. The Corbin 39 is a large vessel with a broad deck that is ideal for transporting several passengers. You'll have to spend a little more money on modifications, but the boat itself is excellent.

Dufour 29

The Dufour 29 offers a lot for its price, especially when you consider that it is a compact bluewater sailboat. At least one traveled across the Pacific last year, according to our research. She's good to ride and adventure-ready, thanks to her construction as a cruiser-racer.

She has fiberglass molded wine bottle racks, just like many Dufour yachts from this era. The French have an uncanny ability to think of everything.

Ranger 26

Gary Mull's Ranger 26 was meant to close the gap between a secure, homely cruiser and a professional racer. It accomplishes that admirably.

The boat is undeniably swift and sails as good as it looks. The Ranger's biggest strength isn't just speed; with almost 7 feet of cockpit space, there's plenty of room for mingling after a night of racing.

The Ranger 26 has a wonderful combination of freeboard and cockpit height, ensuring that the boat's attractive appearance isn't compromised in the name of standing headroom.

Tayana Vancouver 42

Finding one of these cruisers won't be difficult, as several were built, but it's worth noting that they were built about 40 years ago. In the early 2000s, a few models were produced, although not many. This cruiser's double-ended hull is extremely sturdy, with cast iron ballast and the ability to survive even the most severe weather conditions.

This boat is sturdy and tough, although it isn't particularly fast. This is not the boat for you if you want to go fast. The hull is fiberglass, so you know you're getting a strong boat, but the iron ballast makes the boat heavy and cumbersome to manage.

Based on how old the model you're looking at is, this cruising sailboat can cost anywhere from $80-$100,000. The older ones are a little less expensive, but they are more likely to wear.

Nonsuch 30

Catboats used to be widespread in coastal waterways, sailing the shallow waters as fishery or workboats. Their single enormous sail, which was typically gaff-rigged, offered plenty of power, and their centerboard rendered them well-suited to the shallow waters they frequently faced.

Hinterhoeller, a Canadian company, launched the Nonsuch 30, a fiberglass catboat with a contemporary Marconi sail hoisted on a stayless mast and a keel replacing the centerboard in the late 1970s.

The wide beam of the boat allowed for a spacious accommodation below, and the design immediately became popular among cruising sailors searching for a small bluewater sailboat.

The Nonsuch 30 is a cruising boat for the coast. When a sailor considers lengthy offshore sailing, the large cockpit and absence of a proper bridge deck may be a problem, but the shallow draught and well-ventilated cabin make it an excellent thin-water cruiser.

Nordic 40

This 40-foot cruiser is a true jack-of-all-trades vessel. This is the one for you if you're searching for a decent middle-of-the-pack option. It accomplishes everything well but shines almost exclusively in one area: size.

The Nordic 40 is a substantial size for the price, so you're getting your money's worth here. This boat is tough, robust, light, and agile.

It can go rapidly and agilely across the water in a little breeze, but it can also withstand more challenging situations. This could be the boat for you if you're searching for a cruiser that can be used for more than just sailing.

Its larger size allows for more storage and living space. It features a wonderful bathroom, a large refrigerator, plenty of counter space, and comfortable sleeping spaces.

Vancouver 28

This pocket cruiser was developed for ocean sailors. It's a reasonable tiny boat with a "go-anywhere" mentality. The Vancouver 28 is one of the finest cruising sailboats below 40 feet, offering superb sailing in a small size.

How to Choose the Right Cruising Sailboat from the List for You?

Hopefully, you've gained a better understanding of what to look for in a sailing cruise boat. There are so many fantastic options on the market than the ones listed above are merely a nice place to start. You will not be sorry if you take the time to choose the appropriate boat for you.

Because purchasing a cruising sailboat is such a massive investment, you must be certain of your decision before proceeding. You can do this by determining the most important features of a cruising sailboat for you and then choosing the sailboat from the list that best meets your requirements. Best of luck in your search for the ideal cruiser.

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