Paul Taylor

Paul Taylor

Hi! My name is Paul, and I am the founder of Gadget Form - a website I created to give gadget reviews and help people solve the most common tech problems with simple step-by-step guides.

I'm excited to announce that Gadget Form was acquired by Retire Fearless in March, 2023.

My goal is simple: It's to help people get the most out of their devices and gadgets, whether it's by guiding them to choose which smartphone or tablet to buy next, teaching them how to tweak their favorite apps, or revealing a shortcut or secret feature they never knew they had!

As a former IT industry analyst and mobile technology expert, I am still actively involved in the tech world. I've had the privilege of teaching thousands of people the ins and outs of their gadgets. Now I’m here to share that with you.

If you love gadgets, then you're going to love my site—no more rabbit holes, just helpful and straightforward content.

What Is Gadget Form? (Now Retire Fearless)

Gadget related content where you can find reviews and guides on gadgets and electronics like laptops, tablets, smartphones, TVs, gaming consoles. If it plugs in or runs on batteries, then there is a good chance that Retire Fearless has content about it (at least that's our goal.

You will find nothing but helpful information about technology, reviews, and guides.

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