Kiesha Joseph

Kiesha Joseph

Kiesha Joseph is an avid gardener dedicated to simple urban gardening on a budget. She enjoys sharing her Zone 9B Inland Empire, California garden experiences, as well as inexpensive DIY landscaping techniques related to both hardscapes and softscapes.

Kiesha's Gardening Journey

Her gardening journey began in March 2021 when the mask hysterians emptied store shelves, leaving her household without much food. There was also a newborn baby in the house, and there was a shortage of baby formula at the time.

After recovering from her own hysterical experience at Sam’s Club, she decided her family would never sacrifice eating healthy foods again, no matter what was happening in the world. She decided then and there that she would take more control over what her family ate.

Kiesha's Garden Is Born

So, she started Kiesha's Garden right in her backyard and began growing her own foods. She’s been amazed at how far it’s come within a little over one year. What amazes her even more, is how much she’s learned simply by being hard-headed and defying the instructions on the backs of seed packages.

Although Kiesha doesn’t condone following this tactic, she is quite proud of the many things this practice has helped her learn. This led her to develop her own style of urban gardening and landscaping.

Ky loves experimenting in the garden, even if the project seems to be a failure. According to her, she does not learn from her successes. She learns from her failures. And that’s why she is determined to keep experimenting.

About Kiesha Joseph

Kiesha, also referred to by friends as Ky – rhymes with dye, by and fry – is a 50-somethings urban gardener who believes that everyone should be able to grow their own foods, even if they’re on a strict budget.

She understands how expensive it is to purchase so-called organic foods in grocery stores. And most low-income consumers don’t even know that buying from local Farmer’s Markets gets them lower prices and certified organically grown, farm-to-table fresh products.

Ky is working toward selling her own produce at her local Farmer’s Market in 2022. She also plans to become a Riverside County Master Gardener someday.

Gardening on a Budget

Her goal as an urban organic gardener is to help people create productive gardening spaces without spending more than it costs to shop at their local markets. That means providing tips, tricks, bloopers and videos on low-cost, effective, efficient and easy ways to create garden beds, pathways, in-ground beds, pollinator gardens, amend soil and more.

100% Organic Gardening

As a child of a Baby Boomer, Ky has been listening to negative reports on such brands as Miracle Grow since the 1970s. During this past year of researching and practicing natural gardening, she conducted a lot of research on what is and what is not organic.

Believing in 100% organic gardening, you will never catch her using such controversial brands in her yards. Follow her journey for budget-friendly gardening and landscaping techniques.

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